I'm proud to have documented this event.
Aid Still Required is a great organization dedicated "to bring awareness to forgotten issues and support sustainable projects in the field to restore lives in those regions."
This particular event is raising money to help better the lives and the natural habitat of New Orleans.
Spread the word.... :)
New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward has not seen the recovery since Hurricane Katrina that other, more affluent areas have. It's now seven years since the disaster and there's almost no infrastructure in place - even the closest grocery is a long bus ride away, causing residents to buy their food at the local liquor store.
ASR is proud to be partnering with Common Ground Relief and the Dr. King Charter School to give the kids of the Lower Ninth Ward an alternative to their food and health choices through the Garden of Eatin' organic gardening and nutrition program. This school year the program will expand to include all grades, K-12.
Decades of dredging in the Gulf waters off the Louisiana coast, coupled with the construction of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO), have caused severe degradation of the coastal wetlands in and around New Orleans. Not only are these wetlands home to 25% of the total domestic marine catch, including shrimp, crabs, and crawfish, they have traditionally provided natural protection against surging hurricane floodwaters. Every 2.7 miles of wetlands can reduce a storm surge by one foot.

ASR is researching various means of restoring the wetlands around New Orleans to serve as a natural barrier to future storms and to re-establish the region's native wildlife habitat.
ASR plans to support various means of restoring the wetlands around New Orleans to serve as a natural barrier to future storms and to re-establish the region's native wildlife habitat.
With its exposure to the BP oil spill, it has become even more imperative to save this refuge.
Photos from last nights event! Courtesy of Aurelia D'Amore Photography
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Location: http://www.bugatta.com/
ASR Board of Directors: http://aidstillrequired.org/board
Sponsor: http://www.lovatea.com/
Host Committee
Maroon 5, Randy Newman, Tim McGraw, Chris Noth and Alcon Entertainment