I'm so thrilled to share my Q & A Profile in Bokeh Magazine!!!!!
Bokeh Magazine is for the professional photographer, aspiring photographer, hobbyists and simply lovers of photography. My interview is an honest account of what my journey in photography has been like so far. It's not hyped up, it's not sugar coated, it's just me and my thoughts. My hope is that this article will help my clients and future clients get to know me better.
"Bokeh Magazine is a premier photography magazine for those that are interested in the art and lifestyle of photography. Bokeh Magazine will feature articles on established and successful photographers that will share their success stories. Industry insiders that will show you how to succeed as an image maker as well as business. Up and Coming photographers that are carving their own path in the industry. Expert Equipment reviews and How-To's that will keep you up to date on the Latest Trends and Techniques. "
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